The past, present and future of Galactic planetary nebula surveys

Quentin A. Parker*, David J. Frew, Agnes Acker, Brent Miszalski

*Corresponding author for this work

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference proceeding contribution

    1 Citation (Scopus)


    Over the last decade Galactic planetary nebula discoveries have entered a golden age due to the emergence of high sensitivity, high resolution narrow-band surveys of the Galactic plane. These have been coupled with access to complimentary, deep, multi-wavelength surveys across near-IR, mid-IR and radio regimes in particular from both ground-based and space-based telescopes. These have provided powerful diagnostic and discovery capabilities. In this review these advances are put in the context of what has gone before, what we are uncovering now and through the window of opportunity that awaits in the future. The astrophysical potential of this brief but key phase of late stage stellar evolution is finally being realised.

    Original languageEnglish
    Title of host publicationPlanetary Nebulae: An Eye to the Future
    EditorsArturo Manchado, Letizia Stanghellini, Detlef Schönberner
    Place of PublicationParis, France
    Number of pages8
    Publication statusPublished - Jul 2011

    Publication series

    NameProceedings of the International Astronomical Union
    ISSN (Print)17439213
    ISSN (Electronic)17439221


    • catalogs
    • Galaxy: evolution
    • infrared: stars
    • ISM: general
    • Planetary nebulae: general
    • radio continuum: stars
    • surveys


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