The Penguin Macquarie dictionary of Australian politics: a Penguin Australia reference book

Ann Atkinson (Editor), David Clune (Contributor), Jack Goldring (Contributor), Murray Goot (Contributor), Peter King (Contributor), Helen Nelson (Contributor), Barbara Page (Contributor), Greg Patmore (Contributor), Rodney Smith (Contributor), Ken Turner (Contributor), Helen Bateman (Editor), Leah Bloomfield (Editor), Sue Read (Editor), Jan Tardif (Editor)

    Research output: Book/ReportEdited Book/Anthologypeer-review


    A comprehensive, up-to-date guide to the apparatus of government in Australia, to Australian political institutions, parties, pressure groups, politicians, electoral systems, and to political theory as it has developed in Australia and affected the Australian system.
    This book, designed for both the student and the general reader, provides both concise, factual information and, where relevant, analysis of events and people. It has been written by a group of Australian academic experts, each specialising in a particular field and thus ensuring both informed comment and accuracy of fact.
    A series of appendixes provides ready-reference information in tabular form. These include results on federal elections, dates of federal ministries, names and dates of Prime Ministers and federal Opposition Leaders since federation.
    Original languageEnglish
    Place of PublicationRingwood, Victoria
    PublisherPenguin Books
    Number of pages376
    ISBN (Print)014051211X, 9780140512113
    Publication statusPublished - 1988


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