The poor man: law and satire in 19th century New South Wales

A. R. Buck, Nancy E. Wright

Research output: Book/ReportBookpeer-review


A vibrant tradition of political satire emerged in the newspapers of New South Wales in the 1860s. "The Poor Man", a political satire that represented the conservative position on the politics surrounding the land law, is reproduced in this book. "The Poor Man", published as a serial in the "Sydney Mail" from March to September 1864, chronicled `the extraordinary adventures met with, and of the strange sights seen and of the curious things heard, by Mr Redde Pepper.' Mr Pepper was determined to find a character he believed was the recipient of all law reform - the `poor man'. Mr Pepper's adventures ran to eighteen instalments. His descriptions are not only revealing insights into the values and shared assumptions of colonial society, but a marvellous exposition of conservative attitudes to the social transformation brought about by the gold rush and manhood suffrage.
Original languageEnglish
Place of PublicationMelbourne, Australia
PublisherAustralian Scholarly Publishing
ISBN (Print)1740970799
Publication statusPublished - 2005

Publication series

NameMacquarie law monographs : studies in law and history
PublisherAustralian Scholarly Publishing


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