“The problem of the identity of law costs perplexed jurists a lot of sleep": interview with Iain Stewart

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


Iain Stewart explains his career path, summarises his own concept of law, and reflects on the prospects of the "law and society" field and of this journal within it.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)799-808
Number of pages9
JournalDroit et Société
Issue number100
Publication statusPublished - 2018

Bibliographical note

English translation of ""Le problème de l'identité du droit rend les juristes perplexes insomniaques": Entretien avec Iain Stewart", originally published in the French edition of the journal. https://www.cairn.info/article.php?ID_ARTICLE=DRS1_100_0799


  • law and society
  • ideology


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