The science performance of the Gemini High Resolution Optical Spectrograph

Alan W. McConnachie, Christian R. Hayes, J. Gordon Robertson, John Pazder, Michael Ireland, Greg Burley, Vladimir Churilov, Jordan Lothrop, Ross Zhelem, Venu Kalari, André Anthony, Gabriella Baker, Trystyn Berg, Edward L. Chapin, Timothy Chin, Adam Densmore, Ruben Diaz, Jennifer Dunn, Michael L. Edgar, Tony FarrellVeronica Firpo, Javier Fuentes, Manuel Gomez-Jimenez, Tim Hardy, David Henderson, Alexis Hill, Kathleen Labrie, Jaclyn Jensen, Sam Lambert, Jon Lawrence, G. Scott Macdonald, Steven Margheim, Bryan Millar, Rolf Muller, Jon G. Nielsen, Gabriel Pérez, Carlos Quiroz, Roque Ruiz-Carmona, Kim M. Sebo, Federico Sestito, Kareleyne Silva, Chris Simpson, Greg Smith, Sudharshan Venkatesan, Fletcher Waller, Lewis Waller, Ivan Wevers, Kim A. Venn, Peter Young, Katherine Silversides

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The Gemini High Resolution Optical Spectrograph (GHOST) is a fiber-fed spectrograph system on the Gemini South telescope that provides simultaneous wavelength coverage from 348 to 1061 nm, and is designed for optimal performance between 363 and 950 nm. It can observe up to two objects simultaneously in a 7.′5 diameter field of regard at R ≃ 56,000 or a single object at R ≃ 75,000. The spectral resolution modes are obtained by using integral field units to image slice a 1.″2 aperture by a factor of five in width using 19 fibers in the high resolution mode and by a factor of three in width using 7 fibers in the standard resolution mode. GHOST is equipped with hardware to allow for precision radial velocity measurements, expected to approach meters per second precision. Here, we describe the basic design and operational capabilities of GHOST, and proceed to derive and quantify the key aspects of its on-sky performance that are of most relevance to its science users.

Original languageEnglish
Article number035001
Pages (from-to)1-33
Number of pages33
JournalPublications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific
Issue number3
Publication statusPublished - Mar 2024

Bibliographical note

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