The Silurian of Australia and New Guinea: stratigraphic alignments and paleogeography

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference proceeding contribution

    Original languageEnglish
    Title of host publicationAbstract book, Isfahan meeting IGCP 421, 5-20 December 1998
    Place of PublicationNorth Ryde
    PublisherMacquarie University
    Number of pages1
    ISBN (Print)1864084863
    Publication statusPublished - Dec 1998
    EventUNESCO International Geological Correlation Program IGCP 421 North Gondwanan mid-Palaeozoic bioevent/biogeography patterns in relation to crustal dynamics: Isfahan meeting - University of Esfahan, Esfahan, Iran, Islamic Republic of
    Duration: 5 Dec 199820 Dec 1998


    ConferenceUNESCO International Geological Correlation Program IGCP 421 North Gondwanan mid-Palaeozoic bioevent/biogeography patterns in relation to crustal dynamics
    Abbreviated titleUNESCO-IGCP 421
    Country/TerritoryIran, Islamic Republic of
    Internet address

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