The use of quantitative fabric analysis for a better discrimination of white marbles

J. Schmid, M. Ambühl, D. Decrouez, S. Müller

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference proceeding contribution

Original languageGreek
Title of host publicationParia Lithos
Subtitle of host publicationlatomeia, marmaro kai ergastēria glyptikēs tēs Parou : praktika A' diethnous Synedriou Archaiologias Parou kai Kykladōn, Paroikia, Paros 2-5 Oktobriou 1997
EditorsDemetrius U. Schilardi, Dora Katsonopoulou
Place of PublicationAthena
Number of pages7
Publication statusPublished - 2000
Externally publishedYes
EventFirst International Conference on the Archaeology of Paros and the Cyclades - Paros, Greece
Duration: 2 Oct 19975 Oct 1997
Conference number: 1st


ConferenceFirst International Conference on the Archaeology of Paros and the Cyclades

Bibliographical note

Other titles: Paria lithos : Parian quarries, marble and workshops of sculpture.

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