Time-resolved detection of reaction products in the infrared laser chemistry of sulfoxides:C2H4SO, (CH3)2SO, (CD3)2SO

Heike Gross*, Yabai He, Martin Quack, Alex Schmid, Georg Seyfang

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15 Citations (Scopus)


The first observations of the infrared laser chemical reaction of organic sulfoxides after IR multiphoton excitation of the SO infrared chromophore (with large band strength G=2.0 pm2 in (CH3)2SO) with pulsed CO2 laser radiation are reported. The collisionless IR photochemical primary products are shown to be C2H4 and SO (3Σ-) for C2 H4SO, and CH3 and (3Σ-) SO (via CH3SO) for (CH3)2SO by means of time-resolved laser spectroscopic observation of C2H4, SO, and CD3. Effective laser chemical rate constants kI(st)=1.2 cm2 J-1 for C2H4SO (9R32) and 0.06 cm2 J-1 for (CH3)2SO (9R32) are obtained from static yield measurements as well as unimolecular decay constants k≈107 to 108 s-1 (for C2H4SO) after excitation above threshold and laser probing of C2H4 and SO. A nonlinear intensity dependence of k(st) is reported for C2H4SO and nanosecond intramolecular relaxation for (CH3)2SO.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)122-130
Number of pages9
JournalChemical Physics Letters
Issue number1-2
Publication statusPublished - 1 Oct 1993
Externally publishedYes


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