Treatment for spoken and written word retrieval in the semantic variant of primary progressive aphasia

Trudy Krajenbrink*, Karen Croot, Cathleen Taylor-Rubin, Lyndsey Nickels

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This study investigated whether a treatment programme for spoken word retrieval, supplemented with written naming, was beneficial for an individual with right-hemisphere dominant semantic variant of PPA (svPPA). Assessment and treatment were delivered remotely through Skype. Treatment consisted of two phases of lexical retrieval therapy (Repetition and Reading in the Presence of a Picture: RRIPP), with and without written responses (Phases 1 and 2 respectively), and a third treatment phase based on the procedures of Conceptual Enrichment (COEN) therapy. The first two phases of treatment resulted in short-lasting improvements in spoken and written word retrieval, with greater improvement in Phase 2 when written production was also required. Both treatment phases resulted in gains only for treated items, but generalised to different depictions to those treated. However, Phase 2 also resulted in significant improvement of treated items on a comprehension task. COEN treatment did not result in significant gains in word retrieval or comprehension. This study reinforces the value of a simple lexical retrieval treatment delivered remotely. It adds to the current evidence that anomia in svPPA can be responsive to treatment, but also shows that challenges remain regarding maintenance effects and the generalisation of treatment effects to connected speech.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)915-947
Number of pages33
JournalNeuropsychological Rehabilitation
Issue number5
Early online date10 Sept 2018
Publication statusPublished - Jun 2020


  • Semantic variant PPA (svPPA)
  • semantic dementia
  • treatment
  • lexical retrieval
  • COEN
  • telemedicine


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