Tropomyosin isoforms and reagents

Galina Schevzov, Shane P. Whittaker, Thomas Fath, Jim J-C. Lin, Peter W. Gunning*

*Corresponding author for this work

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

118 Citations (Scopus)


Tropomyosins are rod-like dimers which form head-to-tail polymers along the length of actin filaments and regulate the access of actin binding proteins to the filaments. The diversity of tropomyosin isoforms, over 40 in mammals, and their role in an increasing number of biological processes presents a challenge both to experienced researchers and those new to this field. The increased appreciation that the role of these isoforms expands beyond that of simply stabilizing actin filaments has lead to a surge of reagents and techniques to study their function and mechanisms of action. This report is designed to provide a basic guide to the genes and proteins and the availability of reagents which allow effective study of this family of proteins. We highlight the value of combining multiple techniques to better evaluate the function of different tm isoforms and discuss the limitations of selected reagents. Brief background material is included to demystify some of the unfortunate complexity regarding this multi-gene family of proteins including the unconventional nomenclature of the isoforms and the evolutionary relationships of isoforms between species. Additionally, we present step-by-step detailed experimental protocols used in our laboratory to assist new comers to the field and experts alike.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)135-164
Number of pages30
Issue number4
Publication statusPublished - 1 Jan 2011
Externally publishedYes


  • Antibodies
  • Cytoskeleton
  • Isoforms
  • Multi-gene family
  • Reagents
  • Tropomyosin


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