Tuckier (Dhakiyarr) v the King and Territory

Tom Murray (Producer)

    Research output: Non-traditional research outputOther Creative work


    Eighty years after the controversial murder trial of the great Yolngu leader Dhakiyarr Wirrpanda and his subsequent disappearance, his family is still searching for answers. This is the story of a clash of justice systems, of white meets black, of land owners and land grabs, and what happens when Westminster collides with the frontier.

    Broadcast by Hindsight, ABC Radio National on Sunday 7 July 2013.
    Original languageEnglish
    PublisherABC Radio National
    Media of outputOnline
    Publication statusPublished - 7 Jul 2013


    • Frontier history
    • Indigenous culture
    • reconciliation
    • Law--Philosophy--Cases


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