A Raman laser system, the system comprising a resonator cavity comprising a plurality of reflectors, wherein at least one reflector is an output reflector adapted for outputting a pulsed output beam from the resonator cavity at a frequency corresponding to a Raman shifted frequency of the pump beam, wherein the output reflector is partially transmitting at the Raman-converted frequency; a solid state Raman-active medium located in the resonator cavity to be pumped by a pulsed pump beam having a pump repetition rate and for Raman-converting a pump pulse incident on the Raman-active medium to a resonating pulse at a Raman-converted frequency resonating in the resonator cavity; a resonator adjuster for adjusting the optical length of the resonator to match the round-trip time of the resonating Raman-converted pulse with the pump beam repetition rate such that the resonating pulse is coincident both temporally and spatially with a pump pulse in the Raman-active medium on each round trip, to Raman amplify the resonating pulse at the Raman-converted frequency in the Raman-active medium. Also a multiwavelength Raman laser system further comprising a dispersive element and a plurality of coupled resonator cavities. Also, methods for providing ultrafast pulsed Raman laser operation.
Original language | English |
Patent number | EP2517320 |
IPC | H01S 3/30,H01S 3/108 |
Priority date | 22/12/09 |
Publication status | Submitted - 31 Oct 2012 |
Bibliographical note
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