Understanding and managing obsessive compulsive disorder in children and adolescents

Carly Johnco, Eric A. Storch

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapterpeer-review


    There have been considerable advances in the understanding, assessment, and treatment of obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) in children and adolescents. This chapter explores the current diagnostic definition and conceptualization of OCD, including common phenotypic symptom presentations and nosology. It provides a review of epidemiological literature to summarize incidence and prevalence rates, as well as gender distribution, age/developmental differences, and etiological factors. It then discusses diagnostic comorbidity and the impact of OCD on social, family, and functional outcomes during this critical developmental phase. The chapter also presents a review of clinical and self-report assessment measures, and provides a critical review of the literature assessing psychological and pharmacological treatment options for pediatric OCD. It focuses on an overview of specific factors relevant to the successful amelioration of symptoms, including core treatment components for OCD (e.g., exposure and response prevention), and treatment targets (e.g., family accommodation).
    Original languageEnglish
    Title of host publicationAPA handbook of psychopathology
    Subtitle of host publicationchild and adolescent psychopathology
    EditorsJames N. Butcher, Philip C. Kendall
    Place of PublicationWashington, DC
    PublisherAmerican Psychological Association
    Number of pages22
    ISBN (Electronic)9781433828331
    ISBN (Print)9781433828362, 9781433828355
    Publication statusPublished - 2018

    Publication series

    NameAPA handbooks in psychology series


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