Understanding each other: Strategies for accommodation in a virtual business team project based in China

Ying Song, Jane Lockwood

Research output: Contribution to conferenceAbstract


The use of accommodation strategies between native and nonnative interlocutors of English in the rapidly increased digital and global business communication contexts remains under researched. Contextualized in
a Chinese IT outsourcing company where English is used as a lingua franca, this study focuses on how accommodation strategies are used by both on- and offshore team project members in their virtual meeting exchanges. The paper argues that the actual linguistic exchange appears to be scaffolded and
facilitated by a series of what the authors call “extratextual accommodation strategies” such as the use of detailed minutes of tasks set and completed, and an agreed meeting format. While “intratextual accommodation strategies,” that is, those relating to specific linguistic behaviors in English in the exchanges
are also used by interlocutors to accommodate to each other’s speech; the paper argues, therefore, that both extra- and intratextual accommodation strategies appear to work in a symbiotic way to ensure successful exchange in business virtual meeting contexts.
Original languageEnglish
Number of pages1
Publication statusPublished - 2017
EventGlobal Advance in Business and Communication 2017 - University of Antwerp, Antwerp, Belgium
Duration: 22 May 201724 May 2017


ConferenceGlobal Advance in Business and Communication 2017


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