Unlocking the learning potential of university collections

Research output: Contribution to conferenceAbstractpeer-review


At the heart of this 'object-based learning' 2018 L&T funded project was the aim to develop a model to comprehensively map collection objects with units across campus and out into schools. The purpose was to remove barriers between the learning and teaching community and the Macquarie University collections. Due to timing and resource restraints the project was constructed as a pilot and focussed on mapping two collections to primary and secondary curriculum as well as units across the five faculties on campus. This presentation will show the methodology developed, as well as phase one planning and phase two feedback and implementation strategies. Additionally it will investigate its ongoing potential and next collaborative steps beyond the university's borders.
Original languageEnglish
Number of pages2
Publication statusPublished - 21 Feb 2019
Event2019 CAUMAC - University of Melbourne symposium: University Collections: Object-Based Learning and Teaching, Research and Engagement - University of Melbourne, Melbourne, Australia
Duration: 21 Feb 201921 Feb 2019


Seminar2019 CAUMAC - University of Melbourne symposium
Abbreviated titleCAUMAC 2019
Internet address


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