Using Foucaldian critical discourse analysis as a methodology in marketing

June Buchanan

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference proceeding contributionpeer-review

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Discourse analysis has typically been associated with linguistics. Authors such as Elliott (1996) however, call for its application into the marketing discipline, as he considers it is time for marketing to adopt new methodologies, particularly from other disciplines. In spite of the fact that discourse analysis on its own does not necessarily set out to be critical, Maingueneau (2006 p. 230) makes a simple but clear distinction between ‘weak’ which entails a “simple description of structures of texts and talks” (discourse analysis) and ‘strong’ involving analysing the connection between discourse and social structures (critical discourse analysis). A forthcoming study of media’s portrayal of the gaming industry will adopt critical discourse analysis using a Foucauldian approach.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationAustralia and New Zealand Marketing Academy Conference 2008
Subtitle of host publicationmarketing : shifting the focus from mainstream to offbeat
EditorsDaniela Spanjaard, Sara Denize, Neeru Sharma
Number of pages7
ISBN (Print)1863081445
Publication statusPublished - 2008
EventAustralian and New Zealand Marketing Academy Conference (2008) - Sydney
Duration: 1 Dec 20083 Dec 2008


ConferenceAustralian and New Zealand Marketing Academy Conference (2008)


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