Variations on Musica Chilota

Waldo Garrido

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingOther chapter contribution


    For the purpose of my presentation, I propose to perform two compositions which have been creatively inspired by the music of the island of Chiloe in the south of Chile. These works are part of a series of works that I have re‐arranged in an attempt to transform traditional cultural music and examine it in a transplanted musical territory and space. The music in question is Cueca Chilota and Sirilla Chilota. In my presentation, I will place the music in electronic and jazz context. The main melodies will be performed by the bass guitar in Cueca Chilota and the double bass on Sirilla Chilota. As a Chilean national I am interested in reconnecting with my culture of which Chilota music forms a part. Chiloe Island is the second largest island in Chile and is located at the south of Chile in the District of the Lakes. Chiloe is one of the most prolific and rich zones in Chile with respect to its folklore. Its insular geographic position has made it possible for Chiloe to develop very different cultural experiences to the rest of continental Chile. Its music has great vitality, agile tempos and vibrant rhythms. The creation of hybrid musical styles is a controversial subject. However, such hybridity is an inevitable part of the modern world in which globalisation and the prevalence of diasporas is creating, in effect, new cultures. Re‐working and reterritorialising such traditional music could make it possible for different audiences to have access to Chilota culture and music. Research such as this has important implications for issues such as cross‐cultural music production, music transmission and transformation as well as hybridity and syncretism and how these issues have impacted and influenced the development of the Chilote sound and its transportation to other cultural spaces. Peer reviewed abstract.
    Original languageEnglish
    Title of host publicationProceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Music Communication Science (ICoMCS2)
    EditorsCatherine Stevens, Emery Schubert, Bridget Kruithof, Kym Buckley, Steven Fazio
    Place of PublicationSydney
    PublisherHCSNet, University of Western Sydney
    Number of pages1
    ISBN (Print)9781741082036
    Publication statusPublished - 2009
    EventInternational Conference on Music Communication Science (2nd : 2009) - Sydney
    Duration: 3 Dec 20094 Dec 2009


    ConferenceInternational Conference on Music Communication Science (2nd : 2009)


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