Virtual partnerships: implications for mediated intercultural dialogue in a student-led online project

Usha Harris

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapterpeer-review


    Computer mediated communication has important implications for future class room learning which is no longer bound by space or centered around text books. It has the ability to incorporate real life learning whereby students can make important contribution towards global problems without having to leave the campus. This study looked at the impact of virtual communication processes and online tools on student and partner engagement in an on-campus undergraduate unit which enables Australian students to create communication campaigns for an NGO in India. The study found that the communication exchanges provided students with opportunities for intercultural dialogue, both in real and virtual spaces, and how to use ICT and media in a social justice framework within a transnational working environment. Internet technologies have become part of the daily communication pattern of a new generation of students, who see it as their natural environment in which to learn, play and work. It is thus important to expand students’ use of the global digital network from superficial social interactions towards activities which enable them to become active and informed global citizens.
    Original languageEnglish
    Title of host publicationGlobal citizenship in a digital world
    EditorsSherri Hope Culver, Paulette Kerr
    Place of PublicationGöteborg
    PublisherNORDICOM, University of Gothenburg
    Number of pages14
    ISBN (Print)9789186523978
    Publication statusPublished - 2014

    Publication series

    NameMILID Yearbook
    PublisherNORDICOM, University of Gothenburg


    • Virtual partnerships
    • E-service learning
    • Global citizen
    • Mediated intercultural communication
    • Transnational
    • Remote engagement


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