A wavelength locked pulsed dye laser system. The system includes a low-power continuous wave He-Ne laser (11) disposed to inject continuous wave, single wavelength, laser light emitted therefrom into the optical cavity (12) of a pulsed dye laser whereby the wavelength of pulsed laser light emitted from the dye laser is locked at the single wavelength (632.8nm) of the He-Ne laser light. Transverse pump beam B1 is from a copper vapour laser (13) and is line-focussed by cylindrical lens L1 onto dye cell D1.
Original language | English |
Patent number | EP0302094 |
IPC | H01S 3/094,H01S 3/0943,H01S 3/098,H01S 3/094,H01S 3/213,H01S 3/23 |
Priority date | 11/02/87 |
Publication status | Submitted - 8 Feb 1989 |