Wavelength-selective patterning of multi-layered electronic devices

James Downes (Inventor), Christopher McMahon (Inventor)

    Research output: Patent


    A method is disclosed for manufacturing a layered photo-patterned electronic device. The method includes the steps of providing a first layer of precursor material and depositing a second layer of precursor material onto the first layer to at least partially cover the first layer. The method further includes the steps of selectively photo-patterning the second layer using electro-magnetic (EM) radiation (light) of a compatible wavelength band, wherein the first layer is substantially not photo-patternable or photosensitive to the EM radiation of a compatible wavelength band. A multi-layered stack that is at least partially photo-patternable to provide at least a portion of an electronic device is also disclosed.

    Original languageEnglish
    Patent numberWO2017096429
    IPCH01L 21/00,G03F 7/095
    Priority date11/12/15
    Filing date9/12/16
    Publication statusSubmitted - 15 Jun 2017

    Bibliographical note

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